
  • If you wholly suport any american president, you're a fucking moron.
  • Turns out pastors, priests and police are the real pedo rapists. Now which Ps do these have in common? Power and penises, of course.

Has anybody seeen my damn Wah Wah Gun?


To interweb station 8. Here are some things.

For now, the host won't let me do frames, which kind of put a snag in the creation of this homepage.

BUT, once I learn frames, it's over for you bitches.

Sooo... I've figured out how to do frames, but I suck at completing stuff so this might take a while.

Okay so I did some stuff and nothing is complete, but I swear this page will grow organically (like your mom) into something beautiful (like my mom).

Poems | Insults

I promise that I will NEVER turn this page into a blinking mess that will trigger epileptics (but a part of me really, really, really wants to).

Please, please, please, fellow human and reader of this page: remember your heart in all situations, and be kind! It is our greatest gift. Love to you.

I always wanted to make a cool homepage when I was young. I thought I would become an adult and not care about such things anymore. But here I am: an adult (just advanced play pretend, btw) with a homepage. Yay!

(Gosh, I freaking hate HTML. It never does what I want.)