This section is all about my... hmm... what to call it... mental health? Yeah, but not only that. Personality? Sure, but that veers off into something a little different too. Healing journey? Umm, sure, but I don't like the ring of that. I'm not sure about a name for this section yet. It will come to me.

  1. Emotions and thoughts: Recognize, validate, process and handle my own emotions without becoming so frequently overwhelmed and despairing; increase my ability to think about things from different perspectives; reduce overthinking and rumination.
  2. Relationship to others: Expressing my needs and emotions in a way that gets my needs met while respecting the needs of others; avoiding passive-aggression, conflicts and angry or hurt behaviors which damage relationships.
  3. Relationship to myself: Accept, validate, affirm and love myself; strengthen my sense of self by getting more in touch with what I like and want, my values and my inner compass.